JustAnswer – Warning! Warning! Warning!
We couldn’t agree more with this entry that’s now on the internet! To us, the people at JustAnswer are highly sophisticated crooks, the likes of which we’ve never come across before. We can assure you, that if you have dealings with them in any way, you’ll come to regret it.
Up until recently, review statistics like this kept appearing on the internet – 558 one star ratings out of 572, when, for those providing ratings, one star was the minimum that could be provided, it wasn’t possible to provide no stars.
These days, JustAnswer only gets high ratings. We not sure how they’ve done it, but, obviously, the JustAnswer people have found a way.
And up until recently there were claims all over the Internet that they had taken money to which they were not entitled. These days there are fewer such claims. Again, we’re not sure how they’ve done it, but, obviously, the JustAnswer people have found a way.
Email us at info@questionsmisc.info.