General Practitioner Practices in Australia – which are the best?

Modern technology has enabled Medical Practices to come into existence in which there are General Practitioners who can provide  good General Practitioner advice, at a range of different hours, over the internet, and if they prescribe any medications, they can email their prescriptions to a pharmacy of our choice or one they recommend, which may offer home deliveries.

It’s only a guess, but we would think there would be 20 or perhaps 30 practices which would claim to be like this in Australia right now – but of course, we only need one, or perhaps two, personally.

But which one, or perhaps, two, are the best? To begin with, we have chosen six, at random, about which we are going to be concentrating on seeking information which may help us and our readers decide. We’ll add others later.

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Email form only. Hours: 6 am to midnight every day.

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