Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Email form only.
South Yarra, Victoria, Australia.
6 am to midnight every day.
Contact: To speak to a doctor, you have to have a telehealth consultation. For assistance with other matters, they have a “chat” facility that seems to work well.
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The aim of this website is to help readers locate Medical Practioners who they can contact over the internet for medical advice, more or less at any time to suit their convenience, and who, if any particular medication is recommended, a prescription for it can be emailed to a pharmacy, perhaps one that has a home delivery service.
We are in the very very early stages of developing this website. If you want to view it so far, this is what you have to do.
Click on and then click on the which appears at the top of the page, and you will be taken straight to it.
If you just Google it may not appear in the first 35 or more results!!! We’ve consulted various technology experts and none of them have explained so far why this is.
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As a lawyer I was always fascinated by the difference between the Legal and Medical professions when it came to the Solicitors/GPs getting help for their Clients/Patients from Barristers/Specialists, and how much better the Legal Profession’s system was.
With the Legal Profession, if a Solicitor felt that, for his client to be properly advised, help was needed from a Barrister, it was, “Let’s get an opinion.”
The Solicitor would then brief a Barrister, and when the Barrister’s opinion came back, the Solicitor would then meet with his client again, and provide advice to the client which incorporated what the Barrister had had to say.
There are two important things to note about this.
It would be the Solicitor who dealt with the Barrister, in seeking his advice.
It would be the Solicitor who dealt with the Barrister, in receiving his advice.
With the Medical Profession, it was, “Off you go and see So and So.”
(This, of course, involved the Patient in a second lot of travelling, travelling to see the Specialist – something which clients of Solicitors were never involved in.)
So it would be the Patient who would be seeking advice/help from the Specialist – and you would think they would never do as good a job of this as the GP would do in seeking advice.
And it would be the Patient who would be receiving the advice/help from the Specialist – although, no doubt, these days, the Specialist would email a report to the GP.
Why have we set all this out.
Because we believe that the Medical Profession should follow the lead of the Legal Profession – GPs should be the ones consulting the Specialists, not the patient. To us it’s a nonsense to think that any patient would ever do as well in consulting a Specialist as a GP would.
How would this all come about? Simply, if the GP recommended a Specialist’s consultation, the Patient would say to the GP, “I want you to do the consultation with the Specialist for me.”
Modern technology has enabled Medical Practices to come into existence in which there are General Practitioners who can provide good General Practitioner advice, at a range of different hours, over the internet, and if they prescribe any medications, they can email their prescriptions to a pharmacy of our choice or one they recommend, which may offer home deliveries.
It’s only a guess, but we would think there would be 20 or perhaps 30 practices which would claim to be like this in Australia right now – but of course, we only need one, or perhaps two, personally.
But which one, or perhaps, two, are the best? To begin with, we have chosen six, at random, about which we are going to be concentrating on seeking information which may help us and our readers decide. We’ll add others later.
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Email form only. Hours: 9am – 9 pm 7 days a week.
Email form only: Hours 7am -11 pm AEST/AEDT 7 days a week.
Email form only.
Email form only. Hours: 6 am to midnight every day.
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The aim of the people behind this website is to help locate the best people and the best ways to help with health care problems. (We are not health care providers ourselves, and our services are completely free.)
In recent years, dealing with our health care problems has become a rapidly changing world – with the aid of the internet it’s become a lot more complicated, much better, but a lot more complicated.
Organisations like have come into being.
Their Symptom Checker section could be VERY useful. Simply click on to get started with it.
Feedback would be appreciated. Contact us:
Over recent days, more and more doctors and other health care workers are setting themselves up in the business of providing health care assistance online. As a result, there are all sorts of practices online that we can deal with, when it comes to getting assistance with health care problems.
We not providing any healthcare ourselves. We don’t charge any fees – we have no need for money. We are just seeking to provide our families, our friends, our readers and ourselves with help in locating the best type of practices for their needs and the best practices to deal with. And if we come across people who my be able to provide more help than we can, we promise to let our readers know about them, for which again, there will never be any charges.
Practices can be those nearby which have GPs renewing basic prescriptions, right up to overseas practices and hospitals which have doctors offering advice on the most obscure medical problems.
Our guess right now, would be that there would be at least 1,000 health care workers, including doctors, online!!!! – who we could consult over the internet.
But who are the best?
When it comes to health care workers we consult in the ordinary way – face-to-face – there are websites like RateMDs that supposedly help us.
Will there ever be a RateMDs for online healthcare workers? Perhaps there’s one or more in existence already.
And how is it best to consult them? With those that are not online, it’s simple and straightforward – we do it face-to-face. But with consulting them online, there would seem to be a variety of ways.
As males get older many/most of them suffer from what is called “the frequency problem” – they have to get up two or three times a night to urinate, which obviously makes it harder to get a good night’s sleep. And an aspect of this which makes things worse, often much worse, is that, when they do get up to urinate, it often takes quite a while before the urine starts coming out, making it longer before they can get back to bed and to sleep again. In our experience, Urologists say that they don’t know why this – it seems to take a while before the brain starts working.
“The frequency problem” can come about because of either of two problems.
Either their bladder has got more muscular and therefore smaller from years of pumping their urine past partial blockages in their urinary tract, or some other way, and so it’s full again, sooner.
Or, more likely, their bladder is of a more normal size, but it’s got weaker from age, resulting in it not emptying itself properly during urination, and so it’s sooner before it’s full again.
So for those suffering from the frequency problem, it’s easy to know which of those two is their problem – get a doctor to tell them how big their bladder is.
Which it is is terribly important, because it’s clear cut. If the problem is the latter, nothing can be done. But if it’s the former, there are Urologists out there who will tell you it is, whether it is or not, and, on that basis, recommend all sorts of things, none of which help you in any way – are expensive, and in fact, can damage you for life. Just so they can make more money.
Which couldn’t be more true, as is illustrated by what one of our readers tells of his own experiences.
He was referred to Dr Andrew Brooks for help with this frequency problem, by a GP who he’d been using for some years and thought was quite good – Dr Chris Grant of Harris Park.
Sure enough, Dr Brooks told him his problem was that his bladder had got smaller from years of forcing his urine past partial blockages in his urinary tract, and the solution was for him to carry out surgery called a TURP, which removed these partial blockages, and that if this was done, his bladder would expand in it’s capacity and be back to normal with 4 to 6 months and he would no longer have the frequency problem.
And to confirm this diagnosis, he said he would have his nurse carry out tests, (at higher fees than a properly qualified urologist would have charged.) And sure enough, these tests indicated that his bladder was back to a reduced capacity of 2,ooo mls.
Our reader says he should have asked for copies of these tests, or perhaps he did, and was refused – about more later.
So our reader went ahead with the TURP – at a cost of more than $6,000!!! $3,200 for Brooks’ fee for less than an hour’s work, and the rest for hospital, etc. charges.
And he wasn’t helped a bit, or so our reader says. He says he continued to have the frequency problem. AND he was damaged for life, in that he no longer experienced the pleasure of his semen being ejected out of his penis during orgasms – it’s just pumped up into his bladder without any feeling.
We came across this recently on the internet – to say that retrograde ejaculation “generally doesn’t affect sexual pleasure,” is absolute rubbish! Those who have experienced it describe it as a disaster.
Some 5 months later, our reader saw another Urologist, and was told that his bladder was was now of a more normal size, the size at which, Brooks had said he wouldn’t have the frequency problem – but he still had it.
Back then Brooks had a normal email address, (he’s since taken it down, doesn’t have any email address that we could find, – if anyone, these days, just has a fax number, it’s enough to stop you dealing with them in any way,) but he didn’t respond to emails about any of this. In particular, he didn’t respond to 3 emails requesting copies of the results of his nurse’s tests on the capacity of our readers’ bladder, and when we sought the help of the NSW Privacy Commissioner to get these copies, to which he was entitled to by law, Brooks’ response was that he didn’t get the emails because his email address was set up so that emails from his patients were “weeded out” so he didn’t get them. Of the course, the completely and utterly useless Commissioner did nothing effective about this.
Surely this would tell you everything you’d want to know about Brooks – that his excuse for not responding to emails sent to him by patients, was that he said that email address was set up so that it “weeded out” emails from patients.
We can just imagine Brooks having a good old laugh about this, as he would have had over a number of aspects of this story.
The bottom line:- Underwent an operation under a full anaesthetic, which always has its risks. Spent two uncomfortable days in hospital. Out-of-pocket more than $6,000. Still had the frequency problem. His semen is no longer ejaculated through his penis, which is for life – it can’t be reversed.
Our reader says that, of course, he lodged a complaint about his treatment, with the Health Care Complaints Commission, but, as our readers would know, this Commission under Commissioner Sue Dawson, is completely corrupt, and, as expected, he was told he had nothing to complain about.
Various Politicians have been emailed – but they don’t care.
Perhaps we’ll send some more.
We can imagine that if our reader had been bashed up by a street thug, and, as a consequence, had suffered the injuries caused to our reader by Brooks, that he could be sent to gaol, perhaps for a number of years.
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